District Officers
The Board of Directors sets policy and appoints the other officers, including the Brooktrails Township General Manager, Tamara Alaniz, who is responsible for the Township government operations. State law and Township policy provide for the appointment of the General Manager by the Board and the duties and responsibilities of the position.
The two other Board appointed officers are the General Counsel Christopher J. Neary and Auditor JJACPA.
The Organizational Chart can be found here.
Financial Documents
The Township Board has adopted Resolution 2023-06 establishing the annual Financial Plan for Services (the budget), and Resolution 2022-06 establishing the current Rates and Fees for Services.
A link to the PDF file of the District's legally required annual audit for Fiscal Year 2021-22 can be found here and on the homepage of this website.
Policy Documents
The Township Board has adopted a Policy Manual based upon its Ordinances, Resolutions, and other actions. Ordinances and Resolutions are available at the District office upon request.
Mendocino County Local Area Formation Commission (LAFCo) adopted a Municipal Service Review (MSR) for the Township in August 2019. This document is a comprehensive snapshot of the District's powers, responsibilities and fiscal health. Click here to download the Township MSR.
State of California Government Compensation Website
To access the State Controller’s Government Compensation in California Internet Website click here. For quick access to data specific to Brooktrails Township click here.
The Brooktrails Township Enterprise System Catalog (SB 272: as required by the State of California)
The State of California requires that each local agency maintain a catalog of "enterprise systems" which are defined as agency computer systems containing information collected about the public. For more information click here.