Of significance to anyone considering a home in Brooktrails is understanding the expressed intent of the developer of the Brooktrails Vacation Village and how the Brooktrails Township continues that intent.
Located approximately three miles west of the City of Willits, California, and about 20 miles from the coastal community of Fort Bragg, Brooktrails offers residents an environment within a second growth mixed redwood forest where you can see the stars at night and breathe clean air while enjoying relatively inexpensive housing.
Key to assuring the continuation of that environment was the dedication by the developer of approximately 2,500 acres to the Brooktrails Resort Improvement District (now known as the Brooktrails Township Community Services District) to be preserved as a conservation area. This land is Brooktrails Redwood Park, some of which is available for recreation and some is considered greenbelt. The promise of this dedication was discussed extensively in newspaper articles of the time. The full extent of the dedication can be seen in our shaded Google map.

For complete copies of the newspaper articles, click here.
On June 23, 1988, the Township Board of Directors adopted Ordinance 63 formally establishing Brooktrails Redwood Park pursuant to State Law. On November 17, 1988, the Township Board of Directors adopted Ordinance 68 adopting a Master Plan for Brooktrails Redwood Park. That plan divided the Park into three classes:
Active use areas;
Neighborhood use areas;
Passive use areas.
Following the completion of a Brooktrails Greenbelt Forest Management Plan in December 2004 which was not adopted by the Board of Directors, in the period of 2006-2013 the Recreation, Greenbelt & Conservation Committee prepared a Greenbelt Stewardship Plan which was adopted by the Board of Directors by Resolution 2013-14.